E. Gabriel Dattatreyan
Anthropologist • Media Maker
Directed by Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan and Tusbax Crew
Cry Out Loud is a collaboratively produced feature length film that explores the lives of several men and women from the diverse African community who reside in Khirki Extension, Delhi, India. The film puts cameras in the hands of a crew of young men from Somalia who, over the course of a year, worked on all aspects of production and post-production. Together, Dattatreyan and the crew narrate through the stories of everyday life of Cameroonian, Nigerian, Ugandan, Ivorian and Somali men and women, students, entrepreneurs, and refugees who make their home in Delhi, India --that put into perspective the violent eruptions that occur during filming that targets them as undesirable outsiders and that have since catapulted Khirki into the media spotlight. (46 minutes).